We believe that partnership play a critical role in helping both of us meet the customer’s needs, and we are deeply committed to our partners success and aim to expand market reach through quality of service.
Partnership with Friendship Society Nepal (FSN) :
We look forward to working in partnership with NGOs/INGOs/GOs which think Friendship Society Nepal (FSN) can be a partner for mutual project implementation.
Join our drive:
We always appreciate and welcome contributions from our well-wishers. Individuals who agree with the causes we are promoting can support Friendship Society Nepal (FSN) in its activities through providing financial, material and moral support and even you can join FSN activities as a short-term volunteer.
If you wish to support us by making financial contribution/donation, please send your contribution to the following bank account:
Corporate Engagement
Corporate partners provide financial resources and technical support to grow our programs and organizational capacity. They also provide the leverage of their networks and brand credibility for Friendship Society Nepal.
Partnerships give corporate the opportunity to invest in the economic growth of rural and semi-urban areas in countries where they operate, and to demonstrate to customers, employees, and partners their desire to realize their corporate values.
For more information, contact helpnepal@friendshipsocietynepal.org
Foundation Support
Foundations often provide funding for program innovation, monitoring and evaluation, building robust and scalable systems and infrastructure, and growing our human capital - areas of our business that are often overlooked but are critical to our ability to deliver quality programs and to create a sustainable organization.
For more information, contact helpnepal@friendshipsocietynepal.org
NGO and Implementing Partners
READ offers local communities training programs in education, economic empowerment, technology, women's empowerment, health, agriculture, and more. These programs are supported by our key global and local implementing partners. Working in collaboration with partner organizations helps us build upon the strengths of existing work and also ensures long-term sustainability of our programs.
For more information, contact info@friendshipsocietynepal.org
Direct Donations
Your company, foundation or organization can invest directly in Friendship Society Nepal Global, either in our area of greatest need or for a specific program or country.
For more information, contact donations@friendshipsocietynepal.org
Employee Giving Programs and Corporate Matching
Matching gift or payroll deduction programs can greatly benefit your company's public relations, as well as employee/employer relations. Employees can always select their company for a match when they give through our donate page.
If you would like to set up a payroll deduction program, please contact us at donations@friendshipsocietynepal.org
Corporate / Organization Fundraisers
Fundraising campaigns are a great way to engage individual employees and support on-the-ground projects. Once the fundraising campaign is launched, events can be a fun way to mobilize your network around the cause. To learn about the types of projects you can fundraise for, visit our Start a Fundraiser page. For support in developing your fundraiser, read our Fundraising Toolkit.
If you are interested in fundraising to sponsor an entire READ Center project, please contact us at donations@friendshipsocietynepal.org