Sponsor a Community Child

Sponsor A Community Child 

Why help in Child Education?

According to Wikipedia, Nepal is one of the poorest countries in the world with the highest poverty rate. This is partly due to the fact that many Nepalese children do not have a chance to go to school. Third Eye Volunteer Nepal is attempting to improve these statistics by running a sponsorship program for children of low-income families in Nepal. We Try to Support the child from marginalized community with poorer back ground as far as possible. Sponsorship through Third Eye Volunteer provides children with the invaluable opportunity to enter or remain in education, and realize their full potential.

Sponsorship Options:

Children most in need of sponsorship are identified in conjunction with the head teachers of schools, village development committees and community representatives. For these children you have the opportunity to provide in the following ways.

Our Sponsorship Options:

Full Sponsorship: $280

Half Sponsorship: $240

Yearly Expenses for each child

          Item  Cost

1.      School re-admission and Books   $105

2.      School Uniform & Bag          $75

3.      Stationary  $80

4.      Miscellaneous    $20

Total: $280

From 2010 Friendship Society Nepal has been sponsoring the following children:

Please help us donating money, stationery items, clothes etc that we provide to needy childs.Your small contribution helps to create a better world.

Sponsor a orphanage child

Our sponsorship program is designed to assure sustainability for the children in Nepal and to promote a special long-term bond between the sponsor and the child. We ask our sponsors to consider supporting their child up to the age of 18. We understand times can be uncertain financially, and sometimes keeping your commitments can be difficult so you may prefer to make a contribution to our general operating fund or help in other ways. Help an Orphan street child or community child of Nepal by buying food, donating cloth. Love orphan, help to educate orphan, help in orphan school admission program, donate stationary for orphan etc

Monthly Expenses for each child

Item  Cost

1.      Fooding     $31

2.      Stationary  $2

3.      Lodging     $7

4.      Washing/Cleaning       $2

5.      Miscellaneous    $3

Total: $45 Yearly Expenses for each child

Item  Cost

1.      School re-admission and Books   $25

2.      School Uniform & Bag          $25

Total: $50

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