Child Sponsorship Program
Nepal is one of the poorest countries in the world, the per-capita income of Nepali people is 165€ (US $240), and more than 45% of Nepali people are illiterate. There is an unbelievable amount of parents who are unable send their children to school due to the incredibly low income-rate, so their children often have to endure difficult manual labor from a young age. Another major obstacle is that most of the rural population does not understand the value of education.
Friendship Society Nepal (FSN) has plans to initiate an education program for children and illiterate parents. This information will be used to help gain international attention and support in the form of funds, books, and other supplies, thereby forging a long-term relationship between children who are not able to go to school due to financial problems and people who are interested in making someone's future brighter by making small contributions.
Friendship Society Nepal (FSN) has designed this program with the idea, and hope, that small contributions of money and supplies can benefit and even change the lives of many poor and needy children and their parents. Parents play a major role in their children's education, as the children spend the majority of their time at home and only five to six hours a day in school if they attend the school. Therefore, Friendship Society Nepal (FSN) aims to work with children as well as their parents, in an effort to increase the general populations' confidence in the value of education.
Who will receive support in the Child sponsorship program?
Financially very poor, Orphans, Girls, from underprivileged groups, Handicapped/ mentally retarded etc.
Who else will be in the selection committee? - Head teacher, VDC (Village Development Committee) Chairman/ ward, Chairman, Friendship Society Nepal (FSN) representative
Who is encouraged to get involved in this program?
- Local people, Overseas individuals, organizations/donor agencies, and FSN volunteers.
When will the child begin to receive support?- FSN will select children and send their photos along with detailed information and letters of assurance from FSN volunteers working on the ground. After receiving all the information the sponsor can choose and start sponsoring
How much money is needed to help?
Around 30€ (US$30 or more) per month per student.
What does the child receive? - Admission fees/ Examination fees/ Monthly Tuition Fees. Uniform. Stationery and other school supplies.
What does FSN do?
FSN provides the link between the sponsor, parents, school and child.
Collects children's photos and biographical information, and sends all information and details to prospective sponsor.
Visits the children, their schools, and their parents when needed.
Collects children's progress reports and send them to sponsor's email.
Helps the children to write letters to their sponsors, if the sponsors so desire.
Friendship Society Nepal (FSN) does not take any commission from sponsorship program, your 100% fund will go directly to educate a child - we guarantee this!. We are supporting more than 70 children in Nepal. We especially thankful to those individuals and volunteers who are providing their generous and continuous funding support to educate Nepali children.
If any individuals or organizations are interested to support a helpless children in Nepal please contact at: or you can also write emails to our contact persons below.
We have asked members of our women's groups to select students from their midst, whom they think are particularly needy or deserving of being sponsored. We have been surprised by the unanimity or their choices. We accept both boys and girls.
Yes, girls are at a particular disadvantage in Nepali society, but we cannot promise you a girl. Members of our women’s groups fully understand the need to educate girls, and choose girls and boys in equal numbers, because everyone has the right to an education. We have decided to respect the women’s choices and we seem to get an equal number of boys and girls to be sponsored.
In addition to this sponsorship program, EDWON has its own SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM to help girls with higher education. You are welcome to make a separate donation to EDWON.
The sponsor promises to support the child for at least three years - but we hope for continued support until the child has passed the SLC- the national school leaving exam given after 10th grade.
As a sponsor you will be asked to contribute $100, due every April 1st. To sign up for this year, $75 is payable now to cover the cost for this year until April 2018.
The child's family will use the sum to pay for school uniform, supplies, and if applicable tuition, and good nutrition and clothing. The rest of your contribution is a stipend to the family as encouragement to send the child to school instead of work.
15% of your sponsorship fee is kept aside for administration.
You will receive an update on your child twice a year as well as photos, and if at all possible, letters. Our staff in Kathmandu visits your child four times a year, when the family receives one quarter of the annual stipend. Our staff member meets with the child the family and the school to assess your child’s progress and the family situation. If there are problems our staff member tries to help solving them and acts as a resource. She or he also takes pictures and assists with letter writing. A short report is prepared after each visit.
You are encouraged to write letters telling her/him about yourself, your family and your world, but please do not make promises you cannot keep, even veiled ones. We discourage mailing care packages, even though the need is great. It would be an undue burden for our staff members to deliver them. But monetary assistance is welcome.
Upon sending in your contribution, you will receive photos and a profile of the child and the family. The amount of detailed information we have on each family and child at this point varies a great deal.
You may send a check with your signed contract or pay immediately with a credit card or paypal account using this link. In either case please send the signed contract to Eva at the address listed on the contract.